Tag Archives: rogue one

Premiere Rogue One (16-17 and 18th December)

swcatalunya/ December 22, 2016/ Cultural activities, Home

Has been an intense days in Diagonal Mar with the premiere of Rogue One. Many of you have come to see us and has taken pictures with us, a pleasure, as always. We have to thank all the staff of the cinemas, with Susana and Verónica at the head, they have treated us great and they have made us feel

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Star Wars Catalunya at Catalunya Radio

swcatalunya/ December 16, 2016/ Cultural activities, Home

Our treasurer Germán was yesterday at Catalunya Ràdio talking about Star Wars in the program “Estat de Grácia”, here you can see a fragment of his speech. https://www.facebook.com/estatdegracia/videos/965501120250140/ And here the audio of the interview. http://www.ccma.cat/catradio/alacarta/estat-de-gracia/per-que-ens-apassiona-tant-star-wars/audio/944103/

Premiere Rogue One

swcatalunya/ December 16, 2016/ Cultural activities, Home

Yesterday we were sharing the excitement of the premiere of Rogue One with everyone who went through Cinesa Diagonal Mar! Don’t forget that we will still there today (Friday 16), Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 from 18:30 to 21:30. We wait for you!!!

New Star Wars Rogue One trailer!

swcatalunya/ October 13, 2016/ Home

We have to wait only two month for the premiere of the new movie Star Wars Rogue One. Today we bring you the new trailer, which makes us wish even more to reach 16th December. Rogue One trailer 2